Freedom House Church and Healing Centre


Remember who you are

Remember who you are   Hello Saints,   The Olympics are on - That event that is so designed to elevate the human spirit and propel man and woman to glory and honor. It used to be wholesome television, but is now plagued with scandal, glorification of sin, and problem after problem as the focus is more about entertaining than rewarding

If Anyone Thirsts

“If Anyone Thirsts” Hello Saints, Have you noticed that everyone seems to be carrying a water bottle with them? What an industry this has become! All sizes and colors and logos. They have become as popular as cell phones. How did we ever live without them? I wonder how many get left behind and make their way to the forgotten and


WHY… WHO?   Hello Saints, it's been a week!   Daddy, Daddy, why is that boy in a wheelchair? Daddy, why did that bird have to die? Daddy, why does Suzy have no father? Is the need to know ‘why’ part of our inquisitive human nature? Is it even part of the image of God in us to want to know answers to life’s

The Reno

The Reno Hello Saints, There is a fascination these days with taking something old and decrepit and turning it into something beautiful that causes the owner and onlooker alike to marvel and gasp with delight at the transformation that has happened before their eyes. From the old piece of furniture or rusted out car, to the complete makeover of

Be ye separate!

Therefore "Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you." (2 Corinthians 6:17)   Hello chosen ones! It’s been an interesting time downsizing and purging to fit into our new accommodations. It is amazing to me how much money one has to spend to “get rid of