Freedom House Church and Healing Centre

Greetings fellow travelers, on the road to life, avoiding the pitfalls and dangers of the journey - and there are many! However, praise God! We have a road map filled with wisdom and direction, whose Author has traveled the road we walk. Isn't it incredible that God was here on planet Earth, and showed us the way we must walk to make it
Hello Church, Overcomers in the Lord! Praise God for the wisdom and revelation He gives us every day! God is good! The Word of God is so practical – full of advice on how to avoid situations that will surely lead to difficulty and regret. Proverbs is one of those books that is full of useful information to keep us out of trouble. The book

Be Careful!

Hello Church, What an amazing God we serve - full of mercy, grace and truth! Proverbs 5 is one of many we will see, whose focus is on guarding marriages and the marriage bed (see Hebrews 13:4). It approaches the topic from a male perspective, but we need to read it as a warning to all of us. Marital infidelity is epidemic, and is a temptation

Proverbs 4 - Jesus is life

Hello Saints of God, Praise the Lord!!! We’re in Chapter 4 of Proverbs. This is so incredible! If you read Proverbs 1:1, you will discover that these Proverbs are written by Solomon, son of King David. King David was a man with a heart after God, who loved God’s word (read Psalm 119). In Proverbs 4, Solomon quotes what King
Good morning children of God, your Father loves you! Peace. Have you got it! Here's a suggestion: Hop up on your Heavenly Father's lap, and let Him hold you, comfort you, speak to you.  (I was led to personalize Proverbs 3 in the New Living Translation - meditate on what your heavenly Father says to you. Come on men...I know you can do it
Hello Church! As followers of Jesus, we have a unique advantage over those who don't know Him. We have Holy Spirit - the 3rd person of the Godhead living on the inside of us. He is there to guide us, reveal truth, and the will of the Father. How sad it is that so many Christians live their lives without seeking Him. Imagine how different this
Good morning Church, It's 2021! We begin a new year together! What lies ahead; no one really knows. We can determine to change the way we think, and live our lives, but ultimately, we may just repeat the same old patterns. It happens every year as people make "resolutions" by "resolving" to do things differently. If we are honest, very little

Who you gonna tell? Luke 1:1-4

Luke 1:1-4 1 Many people have tried to tell the story of what God has done among us.2 They wrote what we had been told by the ones who were there in the beginning and saw what happened.3 So I made a careful study of everything and then decided to write and tell you exactly what took place. Honorable Theophilus,4 I have