Freedom House Church and Healing Centre

Good morning Church, Here we are Monday morning, anticipating the announcement of a province wide lockdown, that will surely spoil all of our Christmas plans. Forced to do something we don't want to do, by powers stronger than us, and no way to change it. How did the disciples of Jesus feel, being forced into hiding, confined to their home for

The FIRST day! Luke 24:1-27

Greetings brothers and sisters, Have you ever seen someone raised from the dead? Neither have I. I've heard stories of Christians raising the dead, but never talked to a person who was indeed, raised to new life. I've heard of people dying on an operating table, and then coming back to life...not quite the same as walking out of a tomb after
Greetings Redeemed of God, I remember it well, August 16th, 1977, waking up, coming out of my room and finding my mother crying. I was almost 13 years old, and wondered what all the fuss was about. Elvis was dead...the king of rock and roll. The headlines for that day were, "the king is dead". He was loved by millions across the world; over 400
Hello fellow travelers, Life can be hard. You can be going along just fine, then all of a sudden - your whole world starts to unravel. You are misunderstood, challenged at every turn, questioned, not appreciated, and ultimately forsaken by many, if not all of your friends, even your closest friends. You find yourself alone before your accusers.
Greetings Saints, Do you have a special place where you like to "get away from it all"; maybe a secret place where you like to go and reflect/pray? Some of us like to go for walks, sit in a park pondering life, meditating on issues, and talking to our God. It is a necessity to leave the world behind for a moment, quiet our soul and
Hello Family of God, Drama - "an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances." What a week of Drama we've had with the U.S. elections - unexpected, emotional, exciting to put it mildly. Actually, it would seem that since March, and the global pandemic shutdown, we have been living out a dramatic series of
Hello Glorious Bride of Christ!!! It's going to be a big week in the United States as they choose who will lead them for another 4 year term. No one can really predict what the outcome will be; there is so much chaos and confusion. Actually, there is a lot going on all over the world, with a massive earthquake in Turkey, killing of Christians in
Good morning Church, Praise the Lord! Another week of opportunity lies ahead - Opportunity to fully live for Jesus, and see what He does with what you offer Him.  In this week's reading, we are very close to the arrest and execution of Jesus. I find it very interesting that this story is placed where it is in the Gospel. I believe that Luke