Freedom House Church and Healing Centre

Good morning servants of the KIng, Another glorious day, dedicated to the glory of God! No one likes a hypocrite. Neither did Jesus. Neither does the world. The number one reason I hear from people regarding why they are not "christians"..."the church is full of hypocrites". It is a sad commentary, with which I totally disagree. People label the
Great morning Church, What a beautiful weekend! God is awesome! Well, it has been another crazy week in a very turbulent world. You would have to be living under a rock not to notice how chaotic and volatile the atmosphere is around us. We are living in pandemic and pandemonium! When people are squeezed out of the regular rhythm of life, chaos
Greetings fellow saints, Grace and peace to you all. Ever do something you thought was really great - God was with you, and it was pretty miraculous - you expect to get some positive feedback, maybe even a little praise, or thanks. Instead all you get is crazy comments, and challenges to do better (vvs. 14-16). OUCH! It hurts! It's happened to
Good morning Church, Praise the Lord! Ever hear someone pray and think, "I wish I could pray like that". That happens to me when I hear Africans and Latin people pray. I think it happened to the disciples when they heard Jesus pray (Luke 11:1) The disciples are so impressed, they want to pray the same way as Jesus. Jesus tells them what to say,


Good morning Church, Happy Victoria Day - the official start of summer! It certainly is different this year with social distancing rules. What we are seeing is some people interpret the rules differently than others. Some choose to obey the Law to the letter, while others look for loopholes, and re-interpret it to their own benefit. This takes
Good morning church, Praise the Lord! Jesus is on His throne! Ready for a good news story! Here it is...the Gospel is true and it works! It works for those who will follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Luke 10 has inspired many Followers over the years, indeed, whole ministries have been launched using the model Jesus lays out here. Luke 9 starts out
Hello Church, I am very encouraged by the way people are connecting and reaching out one to another. Praise God! It is in the difficult, and challenging times that Jesus gets to shine brightest through us. In today's reading, we see that the disciples are not doing so well at living their Christian life - following Jesus. The chapter starts out

Abandon to discover

Good morning saints, Praise the Lord! It was good to see most of you yesterday in our Zoom meeting. This isolation is hopefully creating in us a longing to be with each other, face to face. I can't help but think of those who are persecuted for their faith, separated from loved ones and isolated in confinement. Let us keep praying for one


Hello Church, Hope you are well! Isolation is a great opportunity to spend time with Jesus, getting to know Him more.  I love today's story of the feeding of the five thousand (Luke 9:10-20) - it has so many lessons for us as followers of Jesus. Here's how God has spoken to me with this passage of scripture: 1. Never turn away