Freedom House Church and Healing Centre

Good morning Church, Happy Family Day!!! The opening chapter of Genesis contains this command: "Be fruitful and multiply" (1:28). In today's reading Jesus talks about bearing fruit. A fruit can only be as good or bad as the tree it is growing on. We use an expression to refer to kids, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree", meaning a child
Greetings fellow servants,  This week's reading is still part of the "sermon on the mount", and is a part of the "law of the Kingdom" for living in true loving community - brother to brother in God's family (41-42). It is hard to read this passage without taking a look at your own life. If you read this and immediately think
Good morning Church, Got any enemies? People who've done you wrong, you wished something would happen to them...they would get what they deserve!? Ever cursed anyone? Our human tendency is to get offended when someone wrongs us, get angry, let our heart get hard, think bad thoughts against that person, or even wish them harm or death.
Good Morning Called, Chosen and Faithful ones, Our weekly reading is found in Luke 6:12-26 and Matthew 5:1-12 In Luke, Jesus just finished an all night prayer session on a mountain top. Then He CALLS His disciples to himself, and from them, He CHOOSES twelve (Luke 6:12-13). Then he comes down the mountain

Get off my back!

Good morning Church, Have you ever had someone breathing down your neck; watching your every move; telling you how to do things the "right way" and drilling you with questions about your choices? Imagine a group of religious leaders, with a set of rules for everything, judging your every move. That's what it was like for Jesus living
Hello Church, It's 2020! Have you made a pledge to be more like Jesus; to live like Him, do what He did and wants us to do? We can't do what He wants without these two key helps: Holy Spirit and the Word of God. As we follow the Life of Jesus, from His birth into ministry, we see that He needed to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit was
Psalm 145:11 They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom, And talk of Your power, 12 To make known to the sons of men His mighty acts, And the glorious majesty of His kingdom. 13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, And Your dominion endures throughout all generations. Good morning church, It's almost a new year. Another opportunity