Freedom House Church and Healing Centre

Cherishing the Comforter

Cherishing the Comforter

 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort”


Greetings Beloved,

Here I am, writing in a hotel room visiting family in the town of my birth, Cornwall, Ontario for Thanksgiving weekend. We usually stay at a place called Comfort Inn, but because we had enough Airmiles for a free hotel stay, we chose a more upgraded place, with a fireplace and much more comfortable king size bed. The bed was wonderfully comfortable, like sleeping in a warm cotton ball. I woke up praising God for the opportunity to enjoy such luxury…for free…almost free. Then I got thinking about this word “comfort”, and how it is the desire of the human heart to experience comfort. And then I was thinking about what a luxury comfort really is, as many in the world or even much of the world don’t get to experience this peaceful state of being comfortable for whatever reason. Because of poverty, or war, or extreme weather events, people are displaced from their comfortable surroundings, if they even had it in the first place, and in a moment their comfort is taken from them. Comfort is hopefully cherished when we experience it and longed for when it is taken from us. As people who fall under the label “affluent”, most of us reading this probably take comfort for granted, not even thinking of what a privilege it is to live comfortable lifestyles; I know I do. With a recent bike accident injury, I know how much of a prized pursuit bodily comfort is. As anyone with a physical issue has experienced or is experiencing, the desire to find a comfortable position in which to sit or sleep can be an agonizing struggle. As our Lord said, “In this world we will have trouble!” Maybe we could define ‘trouble’ as the removal of comfort. 

In the opening verses of 2Corinthians Paul uses the word ‘comfort’ or its cognate some 10 times. If you read 2Corinthians 11, where he describes all of the trials he experienced, one wonders how he could be an expert on comfort. Yet, he makes this bold assertion “our comfort is abundant through Christ” (2Cor. 1:5). God is the source of all comfort, and it overflows through Christ! We discover that this word ‘comfort’ which we possibly, shallowly attribute to physical ease, may just have a much deeper application, for in the middle of very difficult tribulations, it is possible to experience comfort. Like God’s joy and peace which are not based on circumstances, but rather inner feelings present no matter what is going on around us, comfort to the believer is a byproduct of being indwelt by the God of all comfort, even the Comforter Himself - Holy Spirit. So, it is possible to have our physical comforts removed, yet experience comfort because of Who it is who indwells us and is always present with us (John 14:16). As David said, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me” (Ps. 23:4). “You are with me”! No matter how dark the journey or trial, the God of all comfort is with me! The fact that You God are guiding me with your staff, and protecting me with your rod, bring me great peace and comfort. I never walk alone! This is the confidence we have as followers of Jesus…Jesus is leading! Jesus is protecting! Jesus is the source of peace and joy and comfort! And all of this overflow unto us as we remain in Him and allow Him to lead.

As Isaiah so aptly states, “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God” (Isa. 40:1). The Lord has forgiven, delivered, restored, and reconciled a people unto Himself. He is now leading them. “He tends His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young (Isa 40:11). Can there be a better picture of comfort than that of an Almighty Father carrying His children in His arms, next to His heart! Oh beloved! This is our God of all comfort! The Comforter who walks alongside of us through life…every single part of it – the good, the bad and the ugly. The Comforter never leaves you and never forsakes you. He is your Helper, your Counselor, your Teacher, your God! (John 14:16-18, 26). Get to know Him, and we will know comfort!



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