Freedom House Church and Healing Centre

Make Disciples

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, 

your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. (Acts 2:17)


Greetings fellow followers of Jesus,

Last Friday while ministering in the park, I came upon a young man whose two wrists were bandaged up. He was sitting under a tree texting on his phone. I sensed the Lord wanted me to strike up a conversation, so I did by asking him about his injured hands. It was obvious to me that he had fallen, which he did while skateboarding. He fractured several bones and only had the use of a few fingers. I found out his name and that he was 23 years old, a carpenter by trade. For sure, he needed his hands to continue working. This young man was full of life, and very positive, with a real gentle spirit about him. Over the last 20 years, this was now the fourth young man I had encountered, with the same name, and the same occupation – a desire to work in carpentry. My mind flashed back to these three men that I had previously discipled in the Lord, encouraging them in the word of God and to let Jesus lead their lives for His glory. I found this to be no coincidence that here was another opportunity to lead yet another to the person of Jesus Christ. After a few minutes, my ministry partners joined me and we were able to pray for this young man, for healing and for Jesus to reveal Himself to him. While we prayed, we could sense God was touching him and so did he. We gave him a New Testament hoping he would discover Jesus for himself. We blessed him and went on our way.

On Saturday evening, Ruth and I were driving out in the country to meet friends at a restaurant. Since we live in Mennonite country, it is not unusual to see horse and buggy traveling down the side of the road. A couple of times we passed buggies going very fast, unusually fast, only to discover that they were manned by young men, under twenty years old. I laughed to myself as I thought even teenage Mennonite boys drive like crazy when they get daddy’s wheels. Young men – full of life, zeal, ambition, potential!

I have been meditating on these two experiences and pondering the potential that lies in these young men and women if the devil doesn’t get a hold of them before Jesus does. Anxiety and depression are rampant amongst our youth as is a host of other social ills. How sad! Jesus was 30 years old when He began His ministry, and no doubt He chose 12 younger men to disciple and lead into abundant kingdom life. Scholars say most were between the ages of 15 and 25, and we only know of Peter who was married, but they married young back then. These men went on to “turn the world upside down” with the good news of Jesus Christ. Three years with Jesus, filled with Holy Spirit and watch out world…there is an army rising up! When God gets a hold of a young person (think David), He turns him or her into a giant slaying, world transforming leader in His kingdom. 

How does that transformation happen? Through discipleship – “train up a youth in the way he should go….” (Prov. 22:6). The Bible says, “How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word and following its rules.” (NLT Psalm 119:9) This requires someone teaching and applying the word to young people – that’s discipleship (2Tim. 2:2). Jesus’ final words to the church before leaving were, “make disciples…baptizing and teaching” (Matt. 28:18-20), and then He sent Holy Spirit so we could accomplish what He commanded us to do. The pouring out of Holy Spirit results in multi-generational ministry: sons, daughters, young and old men. (Acts 2:17-18). Would to God that every older person was mentoring a younger person in the word, encouraging them to live out the life God has for them. Our churches ought to be places where young men see visions, old men dream dreams, and our young people are prophesying! I am encouraged by a couple ladies in our church whom the Lord has directed to lead a young girl’s group, teaching them the word of God and Christian truth. The results are very exciting! There is nothing more rewarding than watching a young person fall in love with Jesus and desire to know and serve Him. 

I pray this devotional inspires you to ask the Lord who He wants you to disciple, and what young person He wants you to inspire into kingdom living. Maybe the first step is getting fired up for Jesus and His kingdom yourself. It is an awesome life when you see God working in a young person’s life and knowing that you had a part in God’s plan to save this person out of our hellish world, and bring them into the abundant life He desires for them – reproducing spirit-filled followers of Jesus to serve Him in freedom and joy! There is a hungry, passionate, thrill-seeking generation out there that needs to be harvested for God’s glory – giant slayers and world changers – and God wants to use you to disciple, mentor and train them. Go make disciples!


Have an abundant living week!


"Advancing the Kingdom of God by releasing Spirit-filled followers to serve Jesus in freedom and joy." 

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