Freedom House Church and Healing Centre

Praise the Lord!

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord! (Psalm 150:6)


Hello Saints,

I can’t get it out of my mind…I went to bed with it in my heart and I woke up with it on my lips. What is it? It’s the line from the song we sang in church yesterday: “as long as I’m breathing, I’ve got a reason to praise the Lord” from the song Praise by Elevation Worship. I was reminded of the time shortly after Jesus revealed Himself to me some 26 years ago when I was born again by the Spirit of God, I would go into my quiet place and worship the Lord with the Matt Redman song Let Everything that has breath. I was reminded also of that time when Ruth and I attended that large church in Maui and there was a powerful song with interpretive dance that moved me greatly; the song was Praise You in the Storm by Casting Crowns. Every so often there are these divine moments, even interruptions that gently remind you of what is truly important, necessary and beneficial for the season in which you find yourself. It’s like being on a journey when the road seems to be a little more difficult, and then all of a sudden when you stop to take a break, you find that where you stopped, you are standing on holy ground and God ministers life to you. Take a moment and read the last 5 or 7 psalms of the Psalter (144-150) and you will discover a myriad of reasons for which to praise the Lord. 

What is it about praise that seems to recharge you and renew your passion for life? It’s even more powerful when the praise just bursts out of your soul, as if by some external power a switch is flipped and there is this exuberant gush of joy and gratitude. Where does that come from? How does one get there? I refer to the song lyrics by Casting Crowns, Praise You in the storm ( )God reminds you, “I’m with you”; He never leaves nor forsakes us. He has covenanted Himself to us in love; we are His child; nothing can separate us from Him. When we realize He is with us, we feel this impulse to take our eyes off the circumstances in which we find ourselves and look to the hills from which our help comes, for our help comes from the Lord (Psalm 121). When we do that, we are reminded of all His promises to us, and we lay hold of them and encourage ourselves in the Lord! When you’re down and out of reasons for which to praise the Lord, when it seems so dark and hopeless, then the sound of our own breathing ought to remind us that there is a reason to praise the Lord – God is still giving us breath! When you’re tired and weary, or discouraged by people and unforeseen events, that’s the time to stop and praise the Lord. Praise forces us to get our eyes off ourselves and look to the Maker of heaven and earth.

Friends let’s not think that praise is a destination we need to get to when we are experiencing the difficulties of life. I believe what God wants us to realize is that praise ought to be a regular part of our daily life, as much as breathing is. Every creature breaths and every creature has been created to praise the Lord (Psalm 148). The psalter implores us to continually praise the Lord, for He is always worthy, and we are continually the recipients of His grace, mercy and blessings. “Praise the LORD! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful” writes the author of psalm 147 (NKJ). Praise is a choice! As excited as we get cheering on our child in a sports competition or our favorite team in hockey, we ought to be enthusiastic fans and followers of our Lord. As the song Praise by Elevation Worship says, “I won’t be quiet, my God is alive, how can I keep it inside”. I know the living God! My God came down to earth and died for me to take away my sins and give me new life. My God has called me and chosen me and saved me and indwells me! He has made me a new creation so I could praise Him; it is what marks me as His follower and disciple, and distinguishes me from all others (1Pet. 2:9). I have a reason to praise…no matter what I am going through, in good times and bad. I want to be a genuine worshipper of God, fearless and undignified as David, who writes: “I will praise you, my God and King, and bless your name forever and ever. I will bless you every day, and I will praise you forever. Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise! His greatness is beyond discovery! Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts. I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles. Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue; I will proclaim your greatness (Psalm 145 NLT). Praise the Lord!

Have a praise-filled week, no matter what life throws at you!


"Advancing the Kingdom of God by releasing Spirit-filled followers to serve Jesus in freedom and joy."

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