Freedom House Church and Healing Centre

What are you doing here?

“What are you doing here, Elijah?”


From great heights to great lows…oh how the mighty have fallen! Why are we so prone to fall into that pit of depression and darkness? We all experience those moments where victories are short lived, and we find ourselves coming off the mountain top into hiding in a cave...literally! It happens to the best of us, doesn’t’ it? At least, wanting to die rather than live happens to some of the greatest people in the Bible: Moses (Num. 11:14-15); Jonah (Jonah 4:3, 8); Job (Job Chp. 3); Jeremiah (Jeremiah 20) and here Elijah (1Kings 19:4). When the battle is too much, checking out seems better than remaining to fight. 1Kings 18 records a great victory for Elijah as he destroys the prophets of Baal, yet in the very next chapter, with a threat from the crazy queen Jezebel, Elijah was, “very afraid and ran for his life” (19:3). Chapter 18 ends with, “the hand of the Lord was on Elijah”; yet it wasn’t enough. In a moment, in the blinking of an eye, Elijah goes from hero to zero - “hit the brakes and let me off the bus!” The negative doctor’s report, the lost job, the financial hardship, the strained marriage, the troubled child, and suddenly it is time to call it quits. Friends that is not the testimony of the New Testament saints who run the race till the end, who persevere all the way to the finish line. Yet truthfully, don’t we all entertain those ideas once and a while? 


In 1Kings 19:4, we find Elijah in isolation, alone in the wilderness, separated from his servant. The wilderness is exactly that…wild! Not a place to be, especially all by yourself. But that is the way the enemy works. He wants us isolated in our pit of despair, alone to fight the battle that rages within. Amazingly, in God’s great mercy and grace He intervenes with angelic assistance to supply what Elijah needs to continue the journey – the journey to the mountain of God – where God’s glory met Moses and will certainly meet Elijah. The first divine visit and supply provided for Elijah, but he still chose to sleep again. God’s faithfulness and persistence awards Elijah a second divine visit, nourishment enough to get him to continue the 40-day journey (vs. 7-8). God supplied what was needed to get Elijah all the way to the mountain, yet once there, he chose a cave – dark shelter over God’s presence. Then that soul piercing question came from the Lord, “what are you doing here?”, not once but twice (vs. 9 & 13). Elijah’s prepared and rehearsed answer, or should I say excuse, belief, fear, anxiety speaks, “I’m zealous for the Lord, but your people… I’m the only one left, and they want to kill me” (me, me, me,…them, them, them); “I’m good, they’re bad.” Self-justification; self-adulation (vs. 10, 14). God’s mercy, grace and patience is so great! “Go forth and stand on the mountain before the Lord” (vs.11). Notice in the second instance, Elijah “went out and stood at the entrance of the cave”, no longer in the cave he hears the voice of the Lord again. This time the Lord commissions him in his office and calling – puts him right back in ministry by having him anoint two kings and Elisha the prophet. God steps in and uses Elijah to solve the problem of Ahab and Jezebel. Is the best way to come out of depression to continue doing what God has called you to do? Is it first…go up to the mountain and meet with God and have Him restore your confidence in Him that He has not cast you aside, but still wants to use you to fulfill His purposes? You are not a failure Elijah just because you have a set back! I still chose you; I still love you; I still have a purpose for you; and with My help you will accomplish what I have for you to do! And by the way…stop believing the lie that you are all alone! That’s self-pity talking! The truth is…there are 7,000 just like you who have not bowed the knee to Baal; you are not alone! I am with you! The chapter ends with an older discouraged prophet, finding encouragement and purpose in the presence of a younger prophet – one who “followed Elijah and ministered to him” (19:21).


Oh friends, the Lord sees you, He hears you, and He cares for you. He knows exactly what needs to happen to get you out of the place of despair and darkness. We need Him when we are at our lowest, but we need others to encourage us. We need to hear the voice of our Lord say, “I still want to use you to accomplish great things, now get up and get going to the mountain of God”. The whole process is initiated by the question, “What am I doing here?” This is not where I belong, nor where God wants me, nor where I find life, joy, and peace. I must go up into the presence of God, for in His presence is fullness of joy! In His presence is encouragement to continue the journey. (read and meditate on Psalm 63)


Have a blessed week!


"Advancing the Kingdom of God by releasing Spirit-filled followers to serve Jesus in freedom and joy."

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