Paul tells Titus, the leader of a new church on the Island of Crete, to teach and train the church in the doctrines of the faith. Why? Cause sound teaching brings transformation and transformed people reflect the glory of Christ and His Bride. Making disciples who obey the teaching of Jesus is our mandate!
The only thing that counts is faith working through love!(Gal. 5:6) What a statement! In order to live this out, we need to know what faith and love both mean, and Who it is that is able to bring the two together in us so that Jesus is manifested in our lives.
Have you got true faith? How do you know? It will be marked by endurance, worship, intimacy and obedience.
Jesus asked if He would find faith at His return. The question really is, can He find it in us? Do you believe what you read, or is your faith just dead doctrines and religion. The world needs to see the church walking in love, and our faith in action.
According to Revelation 12, the birth of Christ made Satan really mad. Although he tried to destroy Jesus and failed, he has directed his attention to accusing and deceiving those who follow Jesus. He is the ruler of the world, but Christ has already won the victory. Yet, the battle for souls continues. As those who have pledged allegiance to our King and Lord, we have a mandate to proclaim the truth, and demonstrate that victory is won as we overcome our adversary by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony, and we do not love our lives to the death. If we resist, Satan will flee.
Zacharias and Elizabeth - an older godly couple waiting for their miracle amidst the numerous trials and disappointments. The difficult journey leads to realized expectations - will faith continue through to the end? Mary learned from the angel that, "with God all things are possible". Will we endure the gestation period till the promise is realized?
By grace we are saved to reveal Jesus to the world in word and deed. How do we get from grace merely being a theological term, to a lifetsyle that reveals Jesus to the world?
Chapter 1 - the grace of redemption and adoption into the family of God
Chapter 2 - the grace of new life in Chrsit
Chapter 3 - the grace on church leadership to reveal and teach the mysteries of Christ
Chapter 4 - the grace to the whole church to walk in newness of life (demonstrated the way we use our mouth)
Chapter 5 (4:29-5:4) - the grace that flows to others (we are conduits of God's grace)
We have the Spirit of Joy since we are in Christ and He is in us. We still need to choose to walk in the Spirit, so we can experience His joy. Joy is a choice!
Moses wrote a Psalm - Psalm 90. Near the end of a difficult life and assignment, he realized that all that matters is living for God and His glory. Are we?
Colossians 2:6-7 - Are we overflowing with gratitude for our salvation in Christ? Jude gives us reasons for thanksgiving in Christ.
How much time do you spend in the Word of God? How much time do you devote to getting the Word in you? If you do it, it will change you!
Jesus' incredible grace, mercy and forgiveness is demonstrated with His disciples during the Last Supper and His final resurrection meal on the shores of Galilee.
"...we who have taken refuge would have strong encouragement to hold firmly to the hope set before us. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and reliable and one which enters within the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek." (Heb. 6:18-20 NASB)
Psalm 4 is a picture of David's trust in a God with whom he was in covenant. He knew God as:
Mark 4:1-20 let's do heart surgery with Jesus so the Word of God can really transform our lives
Erin brings an interesting exhortation and encouragement from the first words spoken by the Lord in the 4 Gospels.
Dire circumstances lead to great opportunities - the world was a mess but God's mercy and grace was being offered to those who would run to the ark with Noah - are we in the days of Noah now (Matt. 24:37-39). More darkness, more light! This could be the church's greatest hour!
Jesus gave us a mandate to subdue the Earth through His glorious gospel. In this hostile, confused world, the church needs power to release the Kingdom of God and preach the good news with signs following. It is time for the Church to rise up in the power of Holy Spirit and be witnesses to the world of a Risen Savior who loves the world so much, He died to bring people true life. Church Arise!
Romans 5:1-11; 1Peter 1:3-8 and many more. Do you love God? Proof is that you are experiencing His joy and peace.
Forbidden to speak? We must obey God not man! (Acts 4 & 5)
God is preparing a people for battle. Will we submit to His training and equipping?
David knew how to be prepared by the Lord for the challenges of life. (Psalm 18:31-36)
We need to see Jesus the Creator and Lord of All, who has all authority to rule and reign and bring about His purposes through His surrendered disciples. Out of worship for our King of Kings comes a desire to fulfill His mission to make disciples of all nations - Will we let the resurrected Christ rule our lives for His Glory?
The Apostle Paul's desires is to know Christ, to know the power of His resurrection, and to share in Christ's sufferings, becoming like Him in His death (Phil. 3:10). Paul's desire is really the desire every believer should have. How do we get to that place of welcoming the suffering of Christ into our lives? What attitude and perspective do we need to embrace so we welcome His suffering into our lives with joy?
3 truths from the first 8 verses of Hebrews 13 - Jesus is Always Present; Jesus is Always able to Help; Jesus is Always Trustworthy
Christ in us; Holy Spirit is in us to conform us to the image of Christ in Holiness and Righteousness. His sanctifying work requires lots of patience for a people that are prone to wander. But, as our Helper, Counselor, Teacher and Guide, His persevering love for us means He will succeed in accomplishing the work of making us like Jesus - His loving patience will get it done!
God loves His people and He will do what it takes to defeat the enemy and win the victory for them. God steps in to deliver Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah from 3 approaching enemies. He stepped in when we were powerless to defeat sin, death and the devil by coming down in Jesus to do what we could not do for ourselves. He is our deliverer and ever present help in times of need!
Exodus 14 & 15; Psalm 18; 2 Chronicles 20
When you read the word of God, you can see the authors are amazed by the love of God revealed in the gospel of Jesus Christ. As they write, they seem to shout in awe, as they exclaim the magnitude of God's love:
Isaiah 43 is a remarkable passage of hope and encouragement for those who are facing trials. 2024 has started out for many to be a difficult year with sickness, bad news, trials of various kinds. Our text today reveals that in the middle of difficult desert experiences, our God is able to make rivers flow. (Listen for Wendy's encouraging word at the end of the sermon!)
If you want to overcome, do you:
God sent Jesus into the world to offer forgiveness of sins, restoration of relationships, healing of the heart and peace between us and God, us and others, and within ourselves. Jesus is peace and the cross is the means by which we experience peace. That is the message of Christmas!
God sent Jesus to be King of a people. Is He your King? Use Powerpoint to follow
The Tabernacle of the Old Testament reveals Christ in all His glory, and provides for us a pattern to get into the presence of God so we can hear His voice for such a time as this. The path to God is one of holiness without which no one will see the Lord. Christ is our path to the Holy of Holies. Sermon powerpoint attached.
Are we living in Revelation 6? The state of our world and it's future is described on the pages of the Word of God. He holds the whole world together and has prophesied, with incredible detail, what is about to take place. We are living in the last days! It's time for the church to wake up, stand firm and preach Christ! The war in Gaza could lead to many fulfilled prophecies that will soon usher in the return of Christ. Today we just lay a foundation for a prophetic series on what will surely happen according to the word of God as the prophecies unfold before our eyes.
Do we long to see each other? Are we truly united in our hearts by Christ's love for us, and united in our mission to make Him known? Philippians 1:1-11 shows us how much Paul loved the believers in Philippi. What would our churches be like, if we really loved each other with Christ's love?
2Samuel 9 - a Picture of God's grace, mercy and redemption through Christ. Are you living in the ghetto or dining at the King's table? Accept the invitation to be raised up out of your condition, and live as a son of the king!
"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God" (Rom. 8:14) - what does Holy Spirit lead us into:
From Psalm 91 - Do we want to stay in the courtyard, or dwell in the secret place of the Most High?
John was very clear in his letter 1st John to identify those who were in the faith because of the work of Christ in their lives. Their fruit was evidence that they were not impostors. Will you pass the test to make sure you are in the faith, and part of the family of God? This interactive sermon looks at the marks of a true follower of Jesus: Saved by faith in the finished work of Christ, obedience to His commands, love for the family of God, an accurate understanding of the Godhead, and the indwelling presence of Christ and Holy Spirit, etc.
We learn from scripture that it is always time for God's people to stand up against worldly powers to bring change and transformation to the world in which we live. Sadly the world seems to be telling the church what to believe and how to act. It is time for the church to be the church, and to take our rightful place as sons and daughters of the King who turn our world upside down with truth and righteousness. Mordecai and Esther were raised up "for such a time as this" and so are you. Time to be brave and impact the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Naomi is in the land of hardship, suffering the consequences of the sin around her. She needs to get back to her people, and back under the blessing of her God. The book of Ruth is the story of Naomi's journey from bitterness to blessing - a transformation that takes place because she made a choice to allow Yahweh to restore her life. God can do the same for you if you make God your King.
Do you love Jesus? Do you love Him so much, that you just can't wait to see Him? If you answered "yes", then you will be living for Him, obeying Him and making Him known to others by making disciples. As a follower of Jesus, Jesus should be the reason we live and move and have our being. Is He the desire of our heart, as He was for the Apostle Paul in 2nd Timothy 4:8
Matthew 18:1-14 - Jesus teaches His disciples that the Kingdom is not about who is best, but who is least - a child is our example.
Romans - the good news that God saves sinners through the finished work of His Son. His grace and love are to be received and believed.
Hagar and Sarah are examples to us of God being faithful to fulfill His promises despite the circumstances. God has chosen them, and intimately watches over them to bring about His purposes. (Genesis 16 & 21)
2Corinthians 9:8-11 - a powerful passage on an all powerful God who supplies every grace needed for every situation for us to be a blessing and bring Him glory
What is a genuine faith, that is "not hypocritical"? 1st and 2nd Timothy reveal what true faith entails. For Timothy, his true faith began in his home with his godly mother and grandmother. Mom's are invaluable in ensuring that their children discover a true persevering faith in Christ.
2Tim. 1:5; 2Tim. 3:15-17; Acts 16:1
A timely word that teaches us from the Word of God how to keep going in trials and tribulations, welcoming hardships as a way for God to make us more like Jesus!
The power of the resurrection was not only displayed by the Godhead on the day Jesus was raised from the dead, but it is continually on display as followers of Jesus live in the Power of the Resurrection
Jesus said He would build His church, so that it could declare the Kingdom and the King. We exist to fulfill the great commission Christ left us with, in His power and authority. That's why we exist. We are not called to preach the church, nor seek the church, but to demonstrate the kingdom of God to a world living in the kingdom of darkness.
Comfort, Comfort yourself in the fact that God is trustworthy, sovereign, all powerful God who controls all the leaders of the world, He is the beginning and the end, the everlasting and eternal Holy One of Israel who can get us to the finish line. Let us turn from dead idols and put our faith in our faithful God.
Isaiah 40 is a turning point in Isaiah's message. It describes a God who wants to comfort, care for, protect and guide His people. He is a Sovereign King, a Good Shepherd and a Faithful Promise Keeper. He will strengthen us in the difficult times, and comfort us on the journey into glory. Hallelujah!
Revelation 19 is the picture of the reunion of the Bride with her Groom. She has made herself ready. What do we need to change to make ourselves ready to meet Him - forsake the world and the things of the world - devote ourselves fully to our King and Bridegroom.
The laying on of hands for healing is foundational teaching that Jesus modeled, the early church walked in, and the church today is commanded to do as part of declaring and demonstrating the Gospel of the kingdom to the world. It is time for us to get back to our calling - do we really believe James 5, and Mark 16? Let's be the church!
Isaiah 9:6 & 7 declare Jesus to be the Son who will one day reign and rule! It gives Him four or five titles that describe who He is: Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. As Followers of Jesus we ought to desire to know Him as all of these.
In Luke chapter 1 is a story of Zach and Elizabeth, a couple living in shame and disgrace because they could have no children. They are a picture of a people who appeared to be abandoned by their God for He had not spoken for over 400 years. Then one day....in answer to Zach and Liz's prayers, and the prayer of His own people, God shows up! Their story is our story. God is faithful and His timing is perfect!
God is Moving!!! He has always been on the move seeking and saving. But it seems that as He has in various times and places, He is moving by His Spirit again in these days. I am continually hearing of salvations and deliverances in and through Christ. Acts 2 records a move of God that changed the lives of all involved. A harvest of souls was brought in then, and it is happening again today. Listen and be encouraged!
Alberto brings us a great word on the difference between money and wealth, and God's perspective on how to steward what He has given us as His children. There are two kingdoms; which one do you live from?
1Peter 4:7-11 instructs us how we should live in a godless world. Love God; Love and serve our fellow believers to the glory of Christ.
Do you have a line in the sand that people are not allowed to cross? What are you willing to do by faith when someone crosses that line? For the women of the opening 2 chapters of Exodus, Pharaoh had crossed that line. They by faith, were willing to defy the king's order to honor God and further His kingdom. It is time for the church to do the same...Obey God not man! How 'bout you?
Psalm 110:3 describes a chosen people following their King into battle - these individuals are willing to fight; set apart from the world, holy unto God; and filled with fresh fire and empowerment for the battle. It is time for followers of Jesus to rise up and advance the kingdom of our King, and resist the enemy advance on every front!
Malchi, the last book of the Old Testament, is a call to true worship of the King of the Universe, who deserves complete devotion and obedience. God does not want half hearted devotion, but a people who bring glory to His name. Are you a Sunday Christian only? Allow the Purifier to change your heart, and return to the Lord.
The Book of Zechariah is one of the most encouraging books in the Bible. It is written to encourage a people to keep doing God's work, by focusing on God's future plan for His people and not the immediate circumstance we find ourselves in. Jesus is coming back! He will save and deliver His people! Press on till the end!
A call to the Church to focus on the Lord's work, not our own. When we work for Him and His kingdom, He promises to be with us. Dr. Wendy Tolmie preaches from the book of Haggai. A great, timely word for the church of 2022.
Zephaniah, a prophet who teamed up with a righteous King Josiah, to call the people back to God, by proclaiming the word of the Lord, repentance and the hope and joy of a victorious Savior who desires to sing over His people with songs of love and joy.
Let's put our trust in God and His promises, not on man nor be afraid by what we see happening.
This prophet speaks to our culture today in that he clearly announces a day when God will no longer tolerate the blatant sins of a nation, and surely bring judgment upon it. Canada and USA wake up!!!
Micah was a prophet to God's people to declare their condition, the judgment coming because of their sins, but more importantly, he had a message of hope announcing a coming Deliverer and Shepherd to redeem His people and lead them to Zion. What a message for the faithful in the church who are persevering through to the end! Keep Following Jesus!
Obadiah - a book declaring the Kingdom is promised to God's people, but judgment reserved for those who reject God, and don't do as He says. Key Issues:
Choose jesus and experience the Kingdom of God!
Mother's Day: a day to honor our moms. Joel, even though a book of judgment for sin, has a message of hope and instruction to parents, as it encourages us to turn to the Lord.
Today's sermon is preached by Dr. Wendy Tolmie. It is on the whole book of Hosea - A story of how much God loves His people, is jealous for them, but they continue to reject Him, event commit spiritual adultery against Him. Yet, despite God's anger and judgment, He continues to extend mercy and grace, and desires them as a pure spotless bride. What a message to today's church!
A message from the book of Amos, addressing issues in the Church, God's people - sexual sin, abuse of the needy and poor, luxurious living and false worship. What plagued Israel 2800 years ago, still plagues God's people today. God is calling us to repentance and true faith in Him.
The book of Jonah is the story of a follower of God, who does not want others to be saved. He knows the truth; his theology is good, but his life does not result in sharing the good news revealed to him, with those who need to hear it. What a message to a church, that is amiss on fulfilling the great commission it has been given. Read Jonah and realize that as a follower of Jesus, we might not be much different.
The last 12 verses of Colossians teach us that being the church involves being a body where each member does its work. We meet a whole team of people who were necessary to make the body run healthy and strong. They were committed, in love with Jesus and each other, and faithful.
Colossians 4:2-6 instructs us how to live out our faith in the world, as new creations that we are in Christ.
Three things characterize a true follower of Jesus:
The first two and a half chapters of Colossians talk about Jesus as the Pre-eminent One at the center of everything and Lord of our lives as His followers. In Chapter 3:18-4:1, that truth changes a family and a home.
The truckers' freedom convoy happening in Ottawa has united millions of people together for a common cause. It is time for the church to unite and declare freedom in Christ. There is power in numbers! Colossians 3:12-17 is a passage encouraging unity amongst believers, working together to serve one another. The church needs to rise up and demonstrate the importance of living life together, not in isolation and division.
Colossians 3 describes our position in Christ, raised up with Him, seated on the throne. Our physical person has to line up with our heavenly reality. That is achieved by "putting off the old me" and "putting on the new me" as I let God do His pruning transformative work in me. I need to submit to Him, to mold me into the image of His Son. (Col. 3:1-14)
Colossians 3:1-4 - If there was ever a time to focus on Jesus, this is it. We are raised with Christ and seated with Him in heaven. If that is where we are, why do spend so much time chasing the world, and so little time seeking Him, and the things of heaven. Let's agree that it's time for a shift!
ps. sorry about the sound quality
Legalism and mysticism can be heavy burdens to carry, especially for the young Christian. No one should be bound by someone's false expectations. Let us strive toward freedom in Christ, led by Holy Spirit, building each other up, growing together in our love for Jesus and one another.
Anothere amazing Gospel passage on the work of Christ to free the sinner - Colossians 2:9-15
Today's sermon begins with three prophetic words delivered by three different people, warning the Church of difficult times ahead. Although things will be challenging, we are reminded that the battle belongs to the Lord. Our madate in overcoming the deception and delusion all around us is to KNOW Christ. Do you really KNOW Christ as truth, to be able to discern the error?
This teaching starts out with a word for the church for today - a warning we have been hearing along with others in the body of Christ. Then the teaching focusses on maintaining a spirit of unity, through the bond of peace and love, especially in our relationships.
We are living in crazy times of pandemic and fear. The world is quickly changing and devolving towards a one world government, and persecution of the church is right on the horizon. It is time for the Church to be the Church! Using Paul as an example in Colossians 1:23-29, we can see that we are called to warn and teach as he did, and prepare for what is ahead.