God will be there
The LORD is my strength, my shield from every danger. I trust in Him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. (NLT Psalm 28:7)
Hello Saints of God,
Here we are again…the end of 2024 and the beginning of a new year. It happens every year! Life will throw all it has at us. Like a life-long football game, the opposing team always forces us to strategize and respond to every play it makes. In this game of life, we never know who the opponent may be – an angry relative, a downsizing employer, financial shortfalls, a sickness on us or a loved one, a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Sometimes life can be like navigating an ever-changing sea with storm after storm, and a boat whose best feature is the amount of water it lets in without sinking. Well….praise the Lord for the boat!...and the storm! For quite possibly, it’s only in the trials of life that we discover “He helps me”. The three greatest words anyone can hear in a crisis and challenging time! Is this verse not the greatest truth for any time in life…just dissect it; say it slowly one clause at a time; let it really sink in:
My God |
My Response |
The Lord is my strength! |
I trust Him with my whole heart |
The Lord is my shield from every danger! |
My heart is filled with Joy |
He helps me! |
I will praise and thank Him with songs |
Can we let these incredible truths drop from our head to our heart. This mindset can’t be intellectual knowledge, it has to be a core foundational belief – My God is my ever-present help in time of need, no matter what I am going through. 2025 will be hard…every year is! But! I never walk alone; when I am weak, He is strong! When I feel exposed to the trials of life, He shields from the finishing blows. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me! He helps me. He never leaves nor forsakes; He is always with me. Through the difficulties, over the roadblocks, there is no hill too high, nor valley too low, nor terrain too rugged for God to smooth out a highway for His people. Parting the seas, destroying the enemies, defeating giants – you name it, God does it! The pages of Holy Scripture are full of divine interventions as God steps in to help His people. Let’s remember that the problem is never with God. The problem is always looking at us in the mirror. Do I trust Him with my whole heart? Will I let fear or joy rule my heart? Will I praise Him in all things, giving thanks always, even in the middle of the storm? When it feels like you’ve been swallowed by a whale, who rules the whale? When the heat is so hot you feel like you’ll burn alive, who is in the fire with you, sheltering you from the flames? When the prison doors are closing in around you, who flings them open as you sing His praises? Do we really believe that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, and what He did for them, He can do for me? Are the songs we sing mere words, or are they truths we truly believe? There is nothing that my God can’t do…nothing! For with Him all things are possible! Oh friends, let’s go into 2025 full of faith, believing that what God has called us to do, we can do; and what He says He will do, He will do! Let’s not focus on the storms, nor the fires, nor the giants, nor the obstacles, roadblocks, raging rivers, mountains, or whatever is immobilizing us at the moment. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus who opens the eyes of the blind, destroys the works of the devil, and desires to lead His people to green pastures of peace and joy in His presence. God is present with us; He is there! He is leading…will we follow, no matter where He leads and what He leads us through? Let us let God be God this year! Let us learn to trust Him in all things and praise Him for everything, and truly believe that whatever play 2025 tries on us, our Coach will take us to victory!
The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? The LORD is with me; He is my helper.
I will look in triumph on my enemies. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.
It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes. Psalm 118:6-9
May 2025 be our best year yet!
"Advancing the Kingdom of God by releasing Spirit-filled followers to serve Jesus in freedom and joy."
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